
What are the phases of REDD+?

The UNFCCC defines the three phases of REDD+

Phase 1: Readiness
Countries design national strategies and action plans with relevant stakeholders, build the capacity to implement REDD+, work on REDD+ related policies and
measures, and design demonstration activities.

Phase 2: Demonstration
National strategies, policies and action plans proposed in Phase I are demonstrated and tested. This may include results-based demonstration activities and may require additional capacity building, technology development and transfer.

Phase 3: Implementation
Results-based actions are implemented at the national level and results are fully measured, reported and verified. Countries can access results-based payments when they have completed the reporting, assessment and analysis processes under the UNFCCC.

Suriname is currently at the first phase. We call it the Readiness Phase, which goals will need to be fulfilled between 2014-2020. Please see per stage of the process what were its goals and activities.