Project management unit

The Project Management Unit (PMU) is the implementing body within the REDD+ program. The unit is responsible for implementing the REDD+ Project Document (PRODOC) under supervision of NIMOS, the coordinating body.

The Project Management Unit (PMU) is accountable to the General Director of NIMOS.

At the moment, the Project Management Unit consists of:

  • a Project Coordinator
  • a Communication Officer
  • a REDD+ Assistant
  • a Logistics Officer
  • a Community Liaison Officer
  • a REDD+ Assistants Liaison Officer


Amongst others, the tasks of the Project Management Unit are:

  • Maintain a close working relationship with key stakeholders
  • Ensure that stakeholder participation follows guidelines appropriate for a participatory and equitable process
  • Ensure adequate information flow, discussions and feedback among the various stakeholders of the project
  • Prepare project work plans, ensure adherence to the project’s work plans, and implement project activities
  • Supervise registering and report of the expenditures, commitments and balance of funds
  • Support capacity building around various REDD+ related subjects
  • Prepare Annual Work Plans and procurement plans;
  • Implement the Annual Work Plan by the Project Board;
  • Prepare periodic technical and financial reports;
  • Organize and facilitate the meetings of the Project Board;
  • Inform the Project Board of any significant problem or issue which potentially affect the smooth implementation of the project;
  • Coordinate on a daily basis with the other related REDD+ initiatives;
  • Implement the recommendations of the periodic audits;
  • Ensure compliance with the requirements agreed under the Common Approach, and the compliance with UNDP rules and regulations;
  • Communicate the reports from Project Board meetings as well as general progress and results of the PRODOC to the members of the Project Board and of the National REDD+ Steering Committee, and upload them in the websites of NIMOS and UNDP.

The organogram shows the organizational chart of the REDD+ program and mutual relations. Here you will meet our staff.